IoT News Roundup: Where is IoT headed?
The holiday season is fast-approaching and it seems there’s always a never-ending list of tasks that need to be completed every year. Just like the holiday checklist, tech in the IoT space seems to be ever-changing and expanding. As tech leaders and innovators we understand that life is hectic and unpredictable, but to make sure you don’t miss a beat, check out this week’s line-up for news in the IoT industry. Previously, we explored “How IoT is Saving Lives” when two massive natural disasters struck the U.S. In this post, we’ll ask the question, what’s next for the world of IoT/IIoT? Take a look at some of the top stories from the past couple of weeks: Forrester predicts what’s next for IoT In this recent post from @NetworkWorld about Forrester Research’s predictions post, Fredric Paul, @TheFreditor, asks the question on many people’s minds: Where is IoT headed? Among many points Paul makes in his article, one points out how IoT is likely to become more specialized in the coming year, moving away from generic hardware and software into platforms designed for specific industries. So-called “design and operate scenarios” will let IoT developers focus on the attributes that matter most to their own industries and use cases. Smart networks must evolve for mission-critical environments From @embedded_comp, Michael Ulch explains how the IoT industry has been flooded with advances in smart home automation, self-monitoring appliances, and connected security systems. All of these facets are important for the IoT existence but Ulch asks the same question as other reporters: what is next for IoT? Ulch believes that some of the greatest potential of the IoT is in the industrial and manufacturing realm, where Industrial IoT (IIoT) has the promise to monitor systems for preventative maintenance and boost energy efficiency and workplace productivity. However, Ulch says, successfully scaling from the smart home to the smart factory will require overcoming a number of technical challenges. How manufacturers are benefitting from the IoT revolution In this @NetworkWorld article by Majid Ahmed, it’s made clear that few people stand to benefit more from the IoT revolution than today’s manufacturers. Ahmed states in his article that whether it’s harnessing the power of data and metadata to make wiser decisions, or developing new and more efficient technologies capable of saving energy cost, the IoT is fundamentally reshaping how manufacturers produce the goods we use in our everyday lives. Businesses not aware of IoT issues This article from @techradar by @maxcooter briefly starts off by referencing an article from January, 10 surprising trends in the IoT for 2017, then Cooter continues, stating that Cradlepoint survey finds lots of interest in technology deployment but lack of security awareness. Cooter points out that, from these findings, IoT-using companies should be prepared to have a thorough overhaul of its infrastructure before deploying the technology. Despite the serious concerns about security, most are not having a second thought about rolling out IoT. Will this security breach take down most companies? Time will tell. The Industrial Internet of Things is Here to Stay In this article from @cbronline (Computer Business Review), author David Stain discusses how manufacturers are welcoming in a new era of productivity by enhancing Industry 4.0. The IIoT is at the heart of this transformation. Stain explores how a company’s success is often linked to its efficiency, hence visibility, across the plant floor, and how extending into the supply chain is a necessity. To keep pace with this competitive environment and the ever-increasing customer demands, every stage of the manufacturing process is facing the digital revolution. Final Thoughts: Virtually all industries and workers are benefitting from the technological revolution brought about by the inception and ensuring growth of IoT. Every industry does need to be cautious of the security threats that IoT comes with. Knowing this, we will still continue to see the growth for IoT especially in the manufacturing and Industrial industries. Be sure to stay tuned to our blog for the latest industry news and to read more about our own insights into some of these major trends.
2017 Analyst Predictions – Industrial IoT
Predictions can be enlightening as we round out the end of the year, and industry analysts covering the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have begun forecasting what to expect in 2017. In the ever changing digital business landscape, companies need to keep a pulse on the technology and regulatory environments to have direction on where to focus their efforts. Over the past few years, IIoT has taken on the shared title of industry 4.0, as new ways of connecting businesses and consumers impact systems infrastructures and technology integrations across many, if not all. business lines. In honor of reigning in 2017 as a strong year for the industrial internet, we have dedicated this week’s round up to highlight some of the top IIoT analyst predictions in the coming year. Gartner Predictions: Surviving the Storm Winds of Digital Disruption By Daryl C. Plummer, Martin Reynolds, Charles S. Golvin, Allie Young, Patrick J. Sullivan, Alfonso Velosa, Benoit J. Lheureux, Andrew Frank, Gavin Tay, Manjunath Bhat, Peter Middleton, Joseph Unsworth, @rayval, @DavidFurl, Werner Goertz, @JCribbs_Gartner, Mark A. Beyer, @Alex42Linden, @noahelkin, @nheudecker, Tom Austin, @mc_angela, Fabio Chesini, Hung LeHong | Published on @Gartner_inc “Digital business innovation creates disruptive effects that have a wide-ranging impact on people and technology. However, secondary ripple effects will often prove to be more disruptive than the original disruption. Digital strategists must actively identify secondary effects when planning change.” Gartner Also Suggests That its Time to, Harness IoT Innovation to Generate Business Value By @chetster | Published on @Gartner_inc “The Internet of Things is moving beyond concepts and trials, and has begun to deliver business benefits across a range of industries. Studying innovation and how early use cases have fared will help CIOs and IT leaders capture business value.” Forrester Predictions 2017: Cybersecurity Risks Intensify By @AmyDeMartine, Jeff Pollard, @infosec_jb, @acser, @heidishey, Christopher McClean, @jz415, @merrittmaxim, @sbalaouras, Trevor Lyness, Peggy Dostie | Published on @forrester “The connected world has arrived; we live and work in it. In this new reality, the next 12 months will see battles rage that will determine the amount of control individuals have over their own data and right to privacy as well as the offensive and defensive responsibilities of our governments. This report guides security and risk (S&R) pros through five predictions for 2017 that highlight escalating ramifications of poor security hygiene and how to mitigate potential damage.” Ovum 2017 Trends: Radio Access Networks By @sonixag | Published on @OvumICT “This is part of Ovum’s 2017 Trends to Watch series. This report looks at what Ovum believes will be the major trends next year when it comes to the radio access network (RAN) market.The RAN market remains a challenging area and the need for spectrum remains a constant concern. RAN vendors are looking for new growth areas, and everybody wants 5G and they want it now. All of these factors are driving market trends.” IDC 2017 Forecast: Manufacturing Worldwide By @kimknickle, Simon Ellis, @hashtonIDC, Christopher Holmes, @jeffhojlo, @ivanoortis, @VeronesiLor, Jing Bing Zhang | Published on @IDC “This IDC study provides manufacturers with the top 10 predictions and underlying drivers that we expect to impact manufacturers’ IT investments in 2017 and beyond. Technology leaders and their counterparts in the line-of-business (LOB) operations can use this document to guide their IT strategic planning efforts. According to Kimberly Knickle, research vice president, IT Priorities and Strategies, IDC Manufacturing Insights, “Technology continues to reshape the relationship between business and IT for innovation and digital transformation. Manufacturers want to work smarter using digital technologies in their products and processes and throughout the value chain. Our predictions create a framework for IT and line-of-business executives to plan and execute technology-related initiatives in the year ahead.” As we conclude our highlights this week, we should realize these predictions are just the tip of the digital iceberg anticipated for 2017. The future could see more intelligent technologies communicating in industry 4.0 with machines processing more data. We could also expect to finally dig deeper into our IoT connected understanding. All we can do is hold tight as the next corner of digital transformation unfolds.
An Industrial IoT Anniversary

Wow, what a year! This post marks the one year anniversary of publishing Industrial IoT top news, trends and highlights, and we wanted to dedicate a recap post to our favorite articles throughout the past year. In particular, a lot of attention has been paid to the happenings in precision agriculture, oil and gas, unmanned systems, the smart grid, public utilities, manufacturing, machines and machine learning, fog computing, big data, sensor technology, wireless technology and cybersecurity, to name a few. Read on for the top 10 articles we’ve posted since last August and make sure to see the special bonus at the end! Precision Ag: Big data is precision agriculture’s best tool to feed the world By @LuxResearch | Published on @AgProfessional“Big data can be the most flexible tool for increasing the efficiency of food production through precision agriculture – a quantified approach to cultivation that uses sensing, input modulation, and data analytics to enhance the efficiency of agriculture.” Oil and Gas: In the digital oil field, “no wires” is a no-brainerBy Zach Wertenberger @WPXEnergy | Published on @WorldOil“Wireless technology plays an integral part in the day-to-day operations of virtually every industry on the planet. However, if you spent your time visiting most of the world’s oil fields, you wouldn’t believe that.Despite being a rather obvious fit with the inherent nature of the oilfield services sector (OFS), wireless I/O has been adopted by producers at a slow pace, with most continuing to rely upon miles and miles of fault-prone wire to connect onsite control centers with wellsite instrumentation.” Smart Grid: Wireless Lifts Focus on Grid Resiliency By Brad Gilbert @freewavetech | Published on @POWERGRIDmag“Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networking technology and wireless Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications solutions are critical to the daily operations of an increasingly connected and industrial world. With a greater dependence on providing reliable and secure high-speed connectivity to personnel, smart devices, machinery and many other geographically dispersed assets, electric utility operators require powerful, yet flexible, communications solutions for their business demands.” Utilities: Wastewater Treatment: Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Thanks to IIoT)By Scott Allen @S_Allen_IIoT | Published on @Ulitzer“Water is a crucial piece of any city’s – or country’s – infrastructure. The United States is fortunate to have some of safest drinking water in the world, for a number of reasons, one of which is its many water and wastewater treatment facilities.” Manufacturing: Bringing Smart Technology to Old Factories Can Be Industrial-Size ChallengeBy @mcoc | Published on @wsj“It’s a tantalizing vision: Bright and shiny factories where robotic arms and conveyors never break down and production goals are never missed—all thanks to internet-connected sensors that monitor machine health and respond to the slightest supply or logistics hiccup.” Machine Learning: 10 Ways Machine Learning is Revolutionizing ManufacturingBy @LouisColumbus | Published on @Forbes“Machine learning’s core technologies align well with the complex problems manufacturers face daily. From striving to keep supply chains operating efficiently to producing customized, built- to-order products on time, machine learning algorithms have the potential to bring greater predictive accuracy to every phase of production.” Fog Computing: Why IoT Needs Fog ComputingBy @BanafaAhmed | Published on @bbvaOpenMind“The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the hottest mega-trends in technology – and for good reason , IoT deals with all the components of what we consider web 3.0 including Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing and Mobile Computing.” Sensors: The Army Wants to Implant Body Sensors into Combat SoldiersBy @tjenningsbrown | Published on @vocative“In the near future, American soldiers might all be implanted with a sensor before going to battle.The United States Department of Defense is interested in monitoring the health of soldiers in real-time. But wearable health trackers have faults and limitations. That’s why the Army Research Office and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency have awarded $7.5 million to San Francisco-based Profusa to develop tissue-integrated health-monitoring sensors for service members.” Wireless Tech: Industrial Wireless RevolutionBy Soliman A. Al-Walaie @Saudi_Aramco | Published on @ISA_Interchange“Wireless technology is an essential business enabler for the automation world. It has gained rapid acceptance in many industrial sectors because of its cost effectiveness, reliability, fast deployment, and flexibility. Over the past four decades, ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radios have been widely used for long-range supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) connectivity in the oil and gas and power and utility sectors.” Cybersecurity: Navigating Industrial IoT risk and complexityBy @EStarkloff | Published on @AMDMag“As massive networks of systems come online, they will need to communicate with each other and with the enterprise, often over vast distances. Both the systems and the communications need to be secure or millions of dollars in assets will be put at risk. One example of the need for security is on the smart utility grid, which is on the leading edge of the IIoT.” Bonus! Eliminate the cost of your next IIoT deployment Now is the time to brave the digital transformation in your industry while you continue to future-proof your systems. All you need to do is submit a use case for your radio network for a chance to win a next generation industrial wireless IoT solution. All entries must be received by August 19th. FreeWave will announce the winner on August 31st chosen based on submission (US and Canada only). The winning network must be deployed by October 31st. In return for the free radio network, the winning candidate will be able to gain additional promotion of their installation and network implementation! Submit here for your chance to win: Learn more about ZumLink.