FierceWireless: FreeWave Delivers Rugged IIoT to Mount Washington Observatory

Earlier today, FierceWireless published an article highlighting a recent joint case study from Mount Washington Observatory’s use of FreeWave’s FGR and FGR2 radios to collect vital climate data.

Editor Monica Alleven pointed out several key factors that drive the success of the project:

FreeWave says it’s known for its ability to maintain connectivity in environments where other technologies have succumbed to the elements. At Mount Washington, FreeWave’s FGR and FGR2 radios connect a network of 28 sensors and devices on five remote weather stations and deliver data in spite of the area’s year-round harsh weather.

The weather stations are solar-powered and only receive sunlight 40% of the year, another reason that FreeWave’s low-power solutions are ideal for the network. According to Freewave, these capabilities have enabled 24-hour, year-round network connectivity.

To read the full article, visit FierceWireless:

To read or download the Mount Washington Observatory case study, visit:

FreeWave also recently published a joint case study with the British Antarctic Survey, which uses similar ruggedized IIoT technology to aggregate and transmit data reliably in conditions that could arguably be called some of the most extreme on the planet. As with Mount Washington, FreeWave’s FGR and FGR2 radios are the backbone of the network deployment, as they have consistently proven to function in temperatures well below the approved -40 degrees Celsius.

To read or download the British Antarctic Survey case study, visit:

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