IoT News Roundup: Where is IoT headed?

The holiday season is fast-approaching and it seems there’s always a never-ending list of tasks that need to be completed every year. Just like the holiday checklist, tech in the IoT space seems to be ever-changing and expanding. As tech leaders and innovators we understand that life is hectic and unpredictable, but to make sure you don’t miss a beat, check out this week’s line-up for news in the IoT industry. Previously, we explored “How IoT is Saving Lives” when two massive natural disasters struck the U.S. In this post, we’ll ask the question, what’s next for the world of IoT/IIoT? Take a look at some of the top stories from the past couple of weeks: Forrester predicts what’s next for IoT In this recent post from @NetworkWorld about Forrester Research’s predictions post, Fredric Paul, @TheFreditor, asks the question on many people’s minds: Where is IoT headed? Among many points Paul makes in his article, one points out how IoT is likely to become more specialized in the coming year, moving away from generic hardware and software into platforms designed for specific industries. So-called “design and operate scenarios” will let IoT developers focus on the attributes that matter most to their own industries and use cases. Smart networks must evolve for mission-critical environments   From @embedded_comp, Michael Ulch explains how the IoT industry has been flooded with advances in smart home automation, self-monitoring appliances, and connected security systems. All of these facets are important for the IoT existence but Ulch asks the same question as other reporters: what is next for IoT? Ulch believes that some of the greatest potential of the IoT is in the industrial and manufacturing realm, where Industrial IoT (IIoT) has the promise to monitor systems for preventative maintenance and boost energy efficiency and workplace productivity. However, Ulch says, successfully scaling from the smart home to the smart factory will require overcoming a number of technical challenges.   How manufacturers are benefitting from the IoT revolution In this @NetworkWorld article by Majid Ahmed, it’s made clear that few people stand to benefit more from the IoT revolution than today’s manufacturers. Ahmed states in his article that whether it’s harnessing the power of data and metadata to make wiser decisions, or developing new and more efficient technologies capable of saving energy cost, the IoT is fundamentally reshaping how manufacturers produce the goods we use in our everyday lives. Businesses not aware of IoT issues This article from @techradar by @maxcooter ‏ briefly starts off by referencing an article from January, 10 surprising trends in the IoT for 2017, then Cooter continues, stating that Cradlepoint survey finds lots of interest in technology deployment but lack of security awareness. Cooter points out that, from these findings, IoT-using companies should be prepared to have a thorough overhaul of its infrastructure before deploying the technology. Despite the serious concerns about security, most are not having a second thought about rolling out IoT. Will this security breach take down most companies? Time will tell.   The Industrial Internet of Things is Here to Stay In this article from @cbronline (Computer Business Review), author David Stain discusses how manufacturers are welcoming in a new era of productivity by enhancing Industry 4.0. The IIoT is at the heart of this transformation. Stain explores how a company’s success is often linked to its efficiency, hence visibility, across the plant floor, and how extending into the supply chain is a necessity. To keep pace with this competitive environment and the ever-increasing customer demands, every stage of the manufacturing process is facing the digital revolution. Final Thoughts: Virtually all industries and workers are benefitting from the technological revolution brought about by the inception and ensuring growth of IoT. Every industry does need to be cautious of the security threats that IoT comes with. Knowing this, we will still continue to see the growth for IoT especially in the manufacturing and Industrial industries.   Be sure to stay tuned to our blog for the latest industry news and to read more about our own insights into some of these major trends.

IoT Emerge Recap

IoT Emerge bounced on the scenes of Chicago this week. Yes, aside from the long awaited World Series win, an IoT conference was happening in this windy, action-packed town. The conference boasted two days of keynotes, technical sessions, workshops, live demonstrations, hands-on training and plenty of opportunities for networking with industry peers. The IoT Emerge mission is to continue to educate and promote cross-industry functions with a focus in Industrial IoT, smart cities and IoT engineering. Below, we’ve highlighted the best moments from the week. IoT Emerge: What have we learned? Back in 2011, research firm Gartner said the Worlds of IT and Operational Technology Are Converging. We believe IT/OT convergence is a critical concept: it promotes a single view of an enterprise’s information and employs process management tools to help ensure that every person, machine, sensor, switch, device, etc. in an organization has accurate information in the best format and at the right time. We learned optimizing the business process is vitally important. Decisions will be made in real time with higher levels of confidence because more information will be available regarding the event or condition. For example, load shed or curtailment events will be based on energy availability (IT sources) and demand throughout the distribution network (OT sources). Event management in an IT/OT converged networkwill execute as a closed loop process by targeting a feeder or substation, issuing curtailment signals to customers under that substation or feeder. This gauges real-time response and repeats as required to achieve the target reduction time. What other insights did we gain from IoT Emerge? Myths about IoT Engineering: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is not ready to support predictive analytics With commentary from Eddie Garcia @freewavetech | Published on @ElectronicDesgn “When most people think about the IIoT, they think of machine-to-machine communications (mostly supported by RF technology) that have dominated the industrial sector for years. However, the convergence of IT and OT practices have seen intelligence moved closer to the access layer than ever before. New communication platforms have improved to the point where big data transport can come directly from the sensors at the edge (OT) all the way to the servers in the back office (IT). The industrial sector is closer than it’s ever been to supporting the future of data collection, transport, and aggregation, ultimately resulting in the huge data sets necessary to support predictive analytics at the IT/OT level.” IoT Emerge and Up-Close and Personal IoT Experience By @JKerns10 | Published on @MachineDesign “As IoT applications and case studies start piling up, some companies still wonder where the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) fits in their production lines. There’s lots of information on the internet about the IIoT, such as how IIoT worked in one application or how much a company could save by using a specific IIoT product. While examples and case studies offer ideas on how IIoT might fit your production line, having a chance to talk to experts directly about your applications and concerns can help ease concerns.” IoT Emerge: Looking ahead to the future By @IoTEmerge | Published on @cote_se IoT Emerge a chance to shed light on the possible digital future. Smart cities and Industrial IoT top the watch list. Along with the conference buzz, conference organizer Penton Publishing also launched the IoT Institute aimed at educating the growing IoT world. Color your IoT World By @IoTEmerge Coloring is not just for the kiddos. IoT Emerge worked with local Chicago artist Rawfa to create a wall sized coloring book. Conference goers got to take a break from the IoT information overload and color to their harts content. Industry thought leaders did an excellent job representing the broad range of emerging IoT applications this year, and as we move steadily toward the close of 2016, it’s clear that we can expect some exciting and innovative technology applications in the not-too-distant future.

IIoT Top News: Machine Learning

Machine-to-machine (M2M) learning is an integral apart of the expanding world of Industrial IoT. Over the past few months we have given attention to manufacturing and its current digital disruption, but have failed to show the direct impact smart M2M and IoT technology is having on the industry. So, this week we are diving deeper into the term machine learning and how it connects to manufacturing both today and in the future. Before we get to our news round up let’s start by re-defining M2M, to ensure we are all on the same page with its purpose and meaning. Gartner has defined machine-2-machine communications as “something used for automated data transmission and measurement between mechanical or electronic devices.” Now, that we have defined M2M, its time to check out our top news round up for the week on how M2M applies to both manufacturing and IoT. 10 ways machine learning is revolutionizing manufacturing Machine learning is poised to improve manufacturing by streamlining the process of OT and IT, thus increasing efficiency and lowering overall operation costs. Louis Columbus at Forbes believes that “Every manufacturer has the potential to integrate machine learning into their operations and become more competitive by gaining predictive insights into production.”   IoT will recharge Machine Manufacturers Manufacturing can look to software companies as an example of how IoT can implement creating a smarter M2M network. Timothy Chou with writes, “Today, manufacturers of machines — whether seed drills, chillers, or CT scanners — can leverage the path paved by the software product companies through three new business models: service and support; assisted services and machine-as-a-service.”   Climbing the IoT Mountain–by adding M2M to manufacturing Manufacturing is only at the beginning of its ascent into IoT and M2M, so there are many more bumps and obstacles a long the way for the industry to fully integrate. Ronnie Garrett with Supply & Demand Chain Executive describes IoT and M2M manufacturing implementation as, “Standing at the foot of Mount Everest, ready to climb the world’s tallest mountain. You know you want to get to the top but you aren’t really sure how you will get there or what obstacles you’ll encounter along the way.”   Cybersecurity is manufacturing’s biggest risk factor Manufacturing needs to continue to add M2M automation and big data analytics to the shop floor, but a threat to the overall industry is manifesting itself in the cybersecurity world. Ian Wright with informs writes, “A new report from BDO indicates that 92 percent of manufacturers cited cybersecurity concerns in their SEC disclosures this year. According to BDO, this represents a 44 percent increase compared to the first Manufacturing Risk Factor report in 2013.”   As we wrap up our top news for the week, we realize the need to fully implement advanced machine learning across the manufacturing world will take more than a simple flick of the wrist. With that said, we leave you with a cautionary tale of when automation goes wrong. It was recently discovered an airport in India had an sign translated with automation software which read, “eating carpet strictly prohibited” — of course this was not the translation they had meant to display. Regardless, as we move towards a fully integrated M2M world, we will have to adjust our equations depending our our intended outcome, much like the world is finding with the love/hate of language automation. Hope you have enjoyed this week’s top news, as always tell us your thoughts on M2M and how it might impact your world!

IIoT Top News: UAS Cleared for Takeoff

UAS, drones or unmanned aircraft, no matter what you call them — this was their week. Our news stream was flooded with updates on the newly announced rules and regulations for commercial UAS from the FAA. So, naturally we have dedicated this week’s top news round up to highlight some of our favorite UAS stories. Here is a quick recap on the new FAA rules for UAS USA TODAY has broken out the top five things you should know about the new FAA drone rules. Take a minute and get caught up on the basics. For example, the UAS operator must have their drone in sight at all times while in the air, and you still can’t fly at night. Summary of New Commercial Drones Rules The wait is over, as many commercial UAS operators found out this week. John Goglia, with Forbes, breaks out the FAA new Part 107 rules which states, “It will eliminate many of the most cumbersome and expensive requirements currently imposed on commercial drone operators including the requirement for a so-called 333 exemption, a manned aircraft pilot’s license, a visual observer, the requirement to hold a certificate of authorization and the requirement to issue a notice to airmen before each flight.”   FAA Approves the use of Small Commercial Drones Michael Walton, with Government Technology, explains, “The FAA new UAS rules would effectively lift the lid on flights by other potential operators who have held off using the technology — real estate agents who want bird’s-eye videos of properties, ranchers who want to count cattle and a multitude of other businesses.”   At Long Last, New FAA Rules for Drones Air&Space Magazine tells us the best part of the new UAS rules is that “The FAA dropped its initial recommendation that would have required commercial UAV operators to hold a pilot’s license, a stipulation that experts feared would have stifled the booming drone industry, which is estimated to generate more than $82 billion and 100,000 jobs over the next decade.   We hope you have enjoyed this quick UAS roundup. Don’t worry, we aren’t heading into a Sci-fi movie yet; Amazon, Walmart and alike will still have to wait in the holding pattern for approval to utilize drones for domestic delivery purposes. Overall, though, it was a game-changing week for small commercial UAS user everywhere, and a small step in the right direction for drones to assist with all our future needs.

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